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Monday 21 June 2010


Scholarship Opportunities for Brazilian Students

The Australian Leadership Awards, consisting of Scholarships and Fellowships, come under the umbrella of the Australia Awards. The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbors through Australia’s extensive scholarship programs.

The Australian Government’s Agency for International Development (AusAID) provides a range of study and professional development awards to promote sustainable development.

An ALA Masters Scholarship, taken over two years can be valued at up to A$150,000.

An ALA Doctorate Scholarship, taken over four years can be valued up to A$300,000.

The amounts above include the following benefits and support:

Contribution to living expenses: A$26,800 per year for 2009 and reviewed annually

Leadership Development Program with a value of A$17,000

Tuition fees

Establishment Allowance on arrival: A$5,000

Introductory Academic Program (IAP): A$2,000

An annual, cumulative Study Enrichment Allowance (SEA) to contribute towards activities such as field research, academic support, conference participation or reunion travel costs: A$2,000 per year

Return air travel to and from Australia

The cost of health checks and visa applications prior to departure to Australia

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for scholar only).

ALA Scholarships are offered to leaders or potential leaders from all sectors to undertake postgraduate study (Masters or Doctorate) at an Australian university. Study programs must relate to a priority development area such as disability, economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender, governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, regional stability, rural development or water & sanitation.

Scholars also undertake an extensive leadership development program in Australia which may include a short work placement.

Applications are considered annually on a regionally AusAID prefers applications to be submitted online via its competitive basis. Selection is based on leadership qualities, academic merit and, most importantly, potential contribution to the development of applicants’ countries or regions upon return. Australian High Commissions and Embassies consider applications and recommend short-listed candidates to a final selection committee in Canberra. AusAID prefers online applications.online application system. However, hardcopy applications are accepted and may be mailed to the appropriate Australian High Commission/Embassy or Managing Contractor.

Application forms can be downloaded from the ALA Scholarship page on the AusAID website or sought from the Australian High Commission/Embassy in each eligible country.

How to apply:

Obtain an unconditional offer of admission to a postgraduate study program from a participating institution.

Review the contents of the ALA Scholarships Handbook to ensure that you understand the scope of the Scholarship. The Handbook can be found at http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/pdf/ala_handbook.pdf or obtained from your local Australian High Commission/Embassy or Managing Contractor.

Download the application form (and the paper-based application form if necessary) and other relevant documents from the ALA Scholarships webpage (see below).

Gather the required documentation and information. Note Submit or mail your application to ensure it arrives at the that it could take two months to compile the application appropriate location by 30 July.


  • Argentina

  • Bolivia

  • Brazil

  • Chile

  • Costa Rica

Contact email for Latin America: ivan.pena@dfat.gov.au


The information provided here is only part of the information that you need to consider before applying. For comprehensive information about the ALA Scholarships and application process please visit: www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/default.cfm