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Monday 17 May 2010

ABCC – Forthcoming Events

International Chambers of Commerce World Cup Tournament

In 2010, Football (Soccer) Fever will take over Australia in the build up to the greatest sporting show on Earth – The FIFA 2010 World Cup in South Africa...
But why should the Socceroos have all the fun? The ABCC with Football Development Australia and many International Chambers of Commerce is giving 32 corporate teams the opportunity to represent their country in the “2010 International Chambers of Commerce World Cup” soccer tournament.

The winners will lift an exact replica of the World Cup trophy and all participants are invited to network at the event After Party.
The ABCC sponsored by Lifespan Financial Planning is putting the BRAZIL TEAM together and inviting you to play or nominate a player from your company to represent Brazil.
The ABCC TEAM CAPTAIN is former socceroo CRAIG FOSTER (SBS’s sports presenter and Chief Football Analyst). You will have the chance to play with Craig and other professional players like Francis Awaritefe and Felipe Andrade, former Santos FC junior player.
Friday 21st May from 1pm-5pm
Centennial Park, Sydney.
Followed by: “World Cup After Party”
5.30pm to late, at Bungalow 8, King Street Wharf
Captain: Craig Foster
Sponsor: Frevos - Lifespan Financial Planning
Players: You will be playing with former socceroo Craig Foster, professional players like Francis Awaritefe and Felipe Andrade, and other ABCC members.
Other squads taking part at the Tournament: Argentina, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Australia, USA, Portugal, South Africa, England, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Sweden, Ireland, France, Chile , Spain, Austria, South Korea, Japan and Holland
Registration per player is A$ 120.00 and includes all the following:
Full Nike playing strips (jersey, shorts & socks, valued at $90 per person)
Tournament Event Management
One hour Pre-Tournament Training Session with Professional Coaching team,valued at $250
2 free drinks per person (2x beer vouchers) at the event After Party
To register contact the ABCC on: abcc@australiabrazil.com.au. As the squad is limited to 12 people, please RSVP as soon as possible (first in, first serve!).

Connections Brazil-Australia Exhibition

The Embassy of Brazil and the University of Canberra are inviting all ABCC members and friends to an exhibition at the Gallery for Australian Design from 5 May to 19 June 2010, under the auspices of the Embassy of Brazil and COALAR, and the support of the Australia-Brazil Chamber of Commerce, the University of Queensland, the Australian Academy of Sciences as well as HSBC, JBS Swift, BHP Billiton and QANTAS.
The exhibition is intended to contribute to the mutual understanding of Brazil and Australia and to strengthen our cultural, economic and social links. It features connections on geology, environment (fauna and flora); history (sea voyages) and especially the architecture and design of the cities of Canberra and Brasilia.
A public program of lectures and film screenings, involving speakers from Brazil and Australia, will run through the exhibition, with public figures and leading thinkers providing insights to elements of themes in the exhibition, such as Prof Vernon (UWA) who will deliver a lecture on Canberra and Brasilia at the opening night.

To download the catalogue click HERE

Calendar of events surrounding the exhibition:
Seminar 5-May Prof Christopher Vernon School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, Uni of Western Australia; title: Design Dialogues: Canberra and Brasilia
Seminar 12-May Prof Robert Hill, Uni of Adelaide, title: Southern Connections - Flora from Gondwanaland
Seminar 19-May Prof Arthur Georges, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science, Uni of Canberra; title: Amazonian widlife
Film 6pm 26-May Latin American Film Festival The Australian National University; title: Abril Despedaçado
Seminar 2-Jun Prof Andrew Roberts, Director RSES, ANU; title: Real or imagined - the mystery of shifting continents
Seminar 9-Jun Mr Paul Brunton Senior Curator Mitchell Library NSW; title: Arthur Phillip - Rio and Sydney
Seminar 16-Jun HE Ambassador Barreto: title: Connections - past and future