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Thursday 21 January 2010

ABCC - Feed Back on Events

South Australia-Brazil Christmas Drinks
By Richard Hancock

Pic1 - (L-R) Richard Hancock (ABCC), Danielle Jervis (Study Adelaide), Everson Arantes (Adelaide United), Fabricio Mendonça (ABCC) / Pic 2 - (L-R) Melissa Matthews (Carrick Institute of Education), Richard Hancock (ABCC), Jennifer Blake (Business SA), John Bruni (SAGE), Tina Beltsos (Carrick Institute of Education, Monica Caceres (Aust Migration and Education Solutions).

Pic3 - (L-R) Fabricio Mendonça (ABCC), Michael Blake (ALABC), Tony Lufti (Greenwheat Freeka), Richard Hancock, Pic4 - (L-R) Allan Wood (Baker Hughes), Alejandra Jimenez-garcia (Dynek), Shan Pillay (Baker Hughes), Tony Lufti (Greenwheat Freeka), Paola Lagos.

On Thursday 10th December, South Australia hosted the ABCC Christmas Drinks at Maxim’s Wine Bar, Norwood. Around 40 people attended from various industry sectors including education, resources, agribusiness, ITC, engineering, sports, as well as government and business organisations.
Sponsored by Study Adelaide, the event provided an excellent opportunity for people to informally network and discuss emerging opportunities between Australia and Brazil. Guests stayed on afterwards to enjoy live chorinho music and to continue networking while mingling with local Brazilians.
According to early feedback, the event was enjoyed by all. The SA ABCC is planning events for 2010 in cooperation with industry groups and government to raise further awareness about trade and investment prospects.

New South Wales - Brazil Christmas Drinks

Date: Thursday, 10th December 2009 Venue: The Argyle

Pic1 - Cristina Talacko (ABCC) and Tim Harcourt (Austrade's Chief Economist)

Pic2 - Bruno Fiorentini (Yahoo7) and Flavia Fontes (Festa Entertainment)

Pic3 - Marcia Percival (Latin Dance Company), Alvaro Barba (Consul-General of Uruguay), Lucia Sacco (PRL), Andrew Percival

Pic 4 - Roberta Facuri (ABCC) and Marcelo Camargo (B&A United)