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Friday 27 November 2009

ABCC - Feed Back on Events

Queensland-Brazil Business Club Luncheon with the Hon. Peter Beattie

The Hon. John Mickel, The Hon. Peter Beattie, Cristina Talacko, His Excellency Ambassador de Mello Barreto, Rodrigo de Lucca (ABCC QLD)

Décio Amaral - Vale, The Hon. Peter Beattie, Iain Mars - JBS Swift
The Australia-Brazil Chamber of Commerce hosted the second QLD-Brazil Business Club luncheon on 22 October at the Customs House in Brisbane. The event was attended by 150 persons with the presence of the Hon. Peter Beattie, QLD’s Trade Commissioner for the Americas, based in Los Angeles, who delivered a positive speech about Brazil’s economic potential and the need for greater engagement between the countries.
His Excellency Ambassador de Mello Barreto, Iain Mars (CEO - JBS Swift) and Decio Amaral (CEO Coal Vale) were also speakers at the function and acknowledged the rapid growth of the Australia-Brazil trading connection and outward and inward investment especially in agribusiness and mining.

The ABCC thanks Vale for sponsoring the function and Trade Queensland for their continuous support to the QLD-Brazil Business Club.

To join the QLD-Brazil Business Club contact us on: abcc@australiabrazil.com.au

WA-Brazil Networking Drinks
By Jose Santiago – ABCC WA

On October 29th a first WA networking session took place in Perth CBD. It was well attended with 45 people showing great interest for opportunities in Brazil and Australia re business growth, establishment of new business and cultural aspects that could better link both countries. As WA and Brazil share a great interest for growing the resources industry (mining, oil and gas) several people from engineering and resources areas took time to discuss their business and potential opportunities ahead. Another point of interest was the potential opportunities due to the upcoming 2014 Soccer World Cup in Brazil and the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in 2016.

Overall the diversity of backgrounds and business sectors impressed most of the people in attendance. The future plans for ABCC in WA include strengthening our representation in the west to support further events leveraging from the relationship with Austrade to assist in further networking.

Victoria-Brazil Christmas Cocktail

Cristina Bell, Osanan Barros (ADA), Paulo Jardim (Counsellor - Brazilian Embassy), Cristina Talacko (ABCC), Crispin Conroy (Austrade's Trade Commissioner - LatAm) and Leith Wale (ABCC)

Pacific Hydro representatives

The ABCC hosted a networking cocktail for members sponsored by Australia Drilling Associates (ADA) in Melbourne with the visit of Austrade's Senior Trade Commissioner for Latin America, Mr. Crispin Conroy. Amongst guests were Counsellor Paulo Jardim from the Brazilian Embassy in Canberra, Roger Frankel (Honorary Consul of Brazil in Victoria), John Bell (CEO - ADA), The Hon. Telmo Languiller (Parliamentary Secretary for Human Services), Pacific Hydro, Deugro Logistics, Latrobe University, Suzlon Energy, Deugro Projects, HSBC, Karoon Energy, Westpac. Mr. Crispin emphasized the opportunities for Australian companies as Brazil is hosting the World Cup 2014 and Olympics in 2016 as well as Australia's participation for the first time at the International Innovation and Technology Exhibition INOVATEC, to be hosted in November 2010 in Belo Horizonte.