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Friday 16 October 2009

ABCC Membership Renewal 2010

ABCC Membership Renewal 2010

Dear ABCC members,

Just a reminder that the ABCC membership for 2009 expired on 30th June. To renew your membership, please download the membership form for 2010 below (note that the membership fee remains the same). As the viability of the Chamber depends largely on the payment of these subscriptions, we are counting on your membership renewal and continuous support to our projects and events throughout the year.

The membership renewal form can be faxed to our secretariat at: (02) 9908 5826 or via email to: info@australiabrazil.com.au.

We would like to thank all our members for their participation at our activities in 2008/2009 and express our commitment in continuing to deliver our services providing an exciting calendar of events for 2010.

Our planned forthcoming events include:

- Queensland Brazil Business Club Luncheon - Agribusiness/Mining/Renewable Energy - Brisbane;
- Technology and Innovation Seminar – Adelaide;
- Networking Drinks - Perth.

We look forward to your participation at our events.

From the ABCC Committee

To renew your membership for 2010 please click on the following link: http://www.australiabrazil.com.au/xtras/ABCC%20Membership%20Form%202010.pdf