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Friday 11 September 2009

ABCC – Calendar of Events

Feed Back on Green Economics & Sustainable Investment Conference

The ABCC co-hosted with Baker & McKenzie the “Green Economics & Sustainable Investment Conference: Synergies between Brazil and Australia” in Sydney on 8th September. Speakers and panellists discussed Australia and Brazil as sustainable investment targets in agriculture, renewable energy, forestry, mining & resources and the carbon credit markets, as well as the International Financial Crisis and the major developments promoting reduction of greenhouse emissions and sustainable development practices.

Amongst the speakers His Excellency Fernando de Mello Barreto (Brazilian Ambassador to Australia) gave us an overview of the Brazilian Economy and Brazil’s Case for Ethanol and Bio-fuels, followed by the Mining and Natural Resources Panel with Frank Ford (Vale), Bob Hosking ( CEO, Karoon Energy International), Professor Virginia Ciminelli and 4 other professors from the Minas Gerais Federal University.

Also present as panelists were Sean Lucy (Head of Carbon Solutions Group – NAB), John Berry (JBS Swift Australia), Tony Lovell (Soil Carbon Australia), Divaldo Rezende (Cantor CO2e Brazil), Dr Nick O'Brien (Manager Carbon Programs – NewForests), Oliver Yates (Climate Change Investment - Macquarie Capital Investors), David Paradice (Paradice Investments), Gerald Lai (Credit & Risk Management - HSBC Bank Australia), Marco Stacke (Perenia Carbon), Shelley Brook (Clean Energy & Environment – AUSTRADE), Marcus Clayton (Bennett Clayton), Andrew Dorman (Andrew Dorman Consultants) and Alberto Costa (Enact Energy).

The ABCC would like to thank all guests and speakers who took part at the Forum and Baker & Mckenzie for co-hosting the event.

Click HERE to view the photo gallery of the event.