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Thursday, 31 July 2008

Brazil to have agricultural income of US$ 71 billion

July, 10
São Paulo – Agricultural income should total 155.27 billion reals (US$ 71.4 billion) in Brazil in 2008, according to the Strategic Management Advisory (AGE) at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. The income is calculated based on crop surveys by the National Food Supply Company (Conab) and the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
The value estimated for this year concerns 20 crops, including temporary ones such as soybean, maize, rice, wheat, sugarcane, and permanent ones such as coffee, cocoa, orange and grape. Compared with last year, the figure represents growth of 17.11% after inflation.
Among the products surveyed, cotton, sugarcane, cassava, black pepper, tomato and grape will see a reduction in come compared with 2007, as a consequence of price and quantity effects. With the exception of cassava, the remaining products had price reductions.
Another 14 products saw an increase in income in 2008. The greatest increments were those of bean (87.78%), coffee (48.69%), wheat (40.79%), soybean (31,83%) and maize (30.65%). Income results per region show that the Midwest and the South have the highest income expansion rates in comparison with last year.
Source: http://www.anba.com.br/noticia_macro.kmf?cod=7494471